Tired of
feeling like you just aren’t
“creative enough”?
Learning how to live and write more creatively will allow you to move through the world with greater ease, purpose, and passion - and you don’t have to be “the creative type” to experience the benefits.
It’s totally possible to transform yourself into your own special brand of diva, artiste extraordinaire, and awe-inspiring superstar - and in just 5 weeks, I’ll give you everything you need to make it happen.
If you’re a person who knows that there is more to you (and to the world) than what ‘meets the eye’...
You know that creative thinking isn’t always easy - but it’s powerful. So many of the things we’ve now come to love, even depend upon, were once only the sparks of one outlandish idea or another.
Here’s what you might not know:
You can cultivate creativity by giving it the time and attention it craves.
Ideas are living things with their own agendas and their own timetables, and their own (sometimes annoying) quirks - not unlike a romantic partner! In these situations, you need a “creativity relationship counselor” to open - and reopen - lines of communication, highlight rut-busting techniques, and rekindle a mutual appreciation.
Even if you’re lucky enough to have creatives you call upon for help, having your own creative practice is like having the key to a world of your own, and all the benefits that come with it...

Experience Better Emotional Health
Creativity reminds you what it was like to be in awe – at how words flow, colors contrast and complement, and how many pieces can work together to produce something useful. The experience of awe itself brings gratitude, and with that gratitude comes joy.
Synthesize Ideas Across Disciplines
There are countless examples of creative crossover throughout history. Think of Da Vinci, who learned about dendrology (the study of trees) by drawing them, or Abbott Thayer, who came up with a theory on animal camouflage through painting.

Create More Commercial Success
Several studies have shown that creativity is amongst the most important skills you need to succeed in the 21st century. In the workplace, an active, creative mind makes for an engaged team member. People who are bored or uninspired by what they are doing probably aren’t super productive - and creativity can boost that.
"Marry" Your Masculine and Feminine Energies
True creativity is about tapping into both masculine and feminine styles of thought and balancing the opposites. Rather than being mature or silly, you can be both - androgynous, in a sense, in your creativity. The ability to operate from both sides of a dividing line will place you amongst the most magnetic people in the room.

.Even though being creative should feel easy - a natural state, the conditioning we experience early in life makes it anything but...
So you want to reintroduce yourself to creativity?
She can't wait to meet you.
4 Reasons Most People Aren't
Living their Most Creative Lives
(and how to ensure you WILL)

People are quick to label themselves as “not creative” citing the fact that they don’t write, or draw, or paint in their free time. They see creativity as a mold in the shape of Bob Ross painting landscapes, Taylor Swift composing music, or that kid who sat in the back of high school chemistry class filling his notebooks full of strange doodles - but there is no mold.
In fact, creativity is the antithesis of being boxed in. The fact that you make countless decisions every day that affect the way you and your environment look and feel is proof of your creative capacity. With practice, you will begin to feel more comfortable recognizing and nurturing the creativity that already exists inside you!

THEY ARE UNWILLING TO PRIORITIZE IT (or they don't consider it a priority at all)
So many people treat creativity like that great aunt their parents force them to call once a year for the obligatory Happy Birthday or Merry Christmas (thanks Mom and Dad). And, not unlike said great Aunt, once they get out all their moaning and groaning about making the call, they realize she really does have some valuable things to offer. She knows how to soothe your heart, clear your head, and make lots of somethings out of (seemingly) nothings. Once the convo ends, they are glad it happened and vow to dial in ‘more often.’

Yes, truly. Many people avoid creativity because it brings them deeper into themselves - but when you aren’t trying to left-brain everything away, you’ll be able to tap into the feelings and emotions you often justify away. That sort of surrender, that loss of control can feel overwhelming in its unfamiliarity. It’s scary shit - but once you get to know creativity, overwhelm often morphs into excitement, and unfamiliarity, into the most sacred kind of comfort.

Look, I can’t say it any better than Vonnegut…
“Go into the arts. I’m not kidding. The arts are not a way to make a living. They are a very human way of making life more bearable. Practicing an art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow, for heaven’s sake. Sing in the shower. Dance to the radio. Tell stories. Write a poem to a friend, even a lousy poem. Do it as well as you possibly can. You will get an enormous reward. You will have created something,”

Can I let you in on a little secret?
Creativity is not limited to creative professionals - in fact, sometimes people who are creative for a living struggle the most to let themselves enjoy the process and reap the benefits. Anyone can be creative - and everyone deserves the chance to experience life in color.
How to Live
(and Write) Creatively
A journey through the creative process from ideation to revision.

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned from all my most revered mentors and curated their sage wisdom into a 5-week self-paced asynchronous course. In this course, you will learn what I’ve learned from people like Liz Gilbert, Brene Brown, Anne Lamott, Austin Klein, Christoph Niemann, Randy Paush, and Andrea Balt.
How to Live (and Write) Creatively
isn’t so much a training program as it is
an explorative journey.
Yes, you’ll learn the strategies behind good writing, but more importantly, you’ll get to experience what imaginative suspension feels like. Brene Brown once said, “I don’t leap for the landing. I leap for the experience through the air because you can’t predict the landing”.
This course is as much about having your head in the clouds as it is about the mechanics of writing which keep your feet on the ground.
The end result: a more ‘lived’ life and the words with which to express it.

Kristina, you are one magical maven! You are a rare and precious being! You are a supernova of bright energy and inspiration. Thank you and keep up the good work, the great work, your calling and craft! You are the usher and seamstress of this fabric in the great sisterhood of moon goddesses and wild women everywhere!
Melissa H.

"Your courage has given me so much courage. I’m seeking out strong women right now and you are leading the pack".
Ginny K.

How to Live (and Write) Creatively
is the first course of its kind that…

Part prompt book, part application, this course uses the trope of a journey to navigate you through the writing process, while also asking you to risk-taking alternate routes in your life.

The course is easy to read, entertaining, and offers specific directions to help you complete your metaphorical trip. It is accessible in terms of cost, time commitment, and skill level so that one can realistically complete it without having to quit their day job or give up their social life to learn the material and put it into practice.

This means you don’t have to be ‘a writer’ or ‘wannabe writer’ to find value in the course. Yes, the course takes you through the writing process, but in many ways, it also takes you through the life process – where do we find our ‘whys’ for living? What inspires us to keep showing up in the world again and again, even when times are tough? How do we make sense of our experiences and convey them in a way that facilitates connections, both with others and with our inner artistic selves? And, how can we apply the process of revision to our lived realities when we feel ready? You’ll find the answers within.

That’s what living and writing creatively is all about.

"I don't know anybody else quite like you!!! I have some chatty friends and some woo-woo friends and storytellers and creatives and academically brilliant people, and you are all rolled up into one...like a burrito."
Bili Z

Join How to Live (and Write) Creatively today and get...

The FULL Program
You'll get access to all 5 modules and all the guidance you need to create the life you’ve been longing to live.
- Learn how to take the most creative pathway from where you are to where you want to be
- Organize your writing and your life
- Tell your story in the most colorful way possible

Exclusive Bonus
The Private Facebook Group
This is a group of creatives at every stage of their journey, committed to finding inspiration, nurturing their craft, and embarking on their creative journey with open minds and hearts.
This is where you’ll go to find your tribe - the creative people who truly get the journey you’re on - and find the courage to dive deep into self-exploration.
- Find the inspiration you need to live a more creative and fulfilling life
- Engage in thought exchange, ask questions and offer feedback
- Share work, tips, and opportunities with other creatives
Creativity comes from connection, and this Facebook group will give you plenty of opportunities to do just that.

How To Live (And Write) Creatively Course
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$75 USD
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to Living and Writing More Creatively
All modules are released immediately upon payment for course.
You will receive an email with login instructions upon paying for the course.
You’ll have access to all of the content for as long as the website remains active.
As stated in the 7 day honeypot guarantee full refunds are available up to 7 days from the time you first log in to the course.
Sorry, you will need an internet connection to access the course - but if you prefer an in-person connection, I also offer several live retreats where you and I can create magic together, including the Rooted Retreat and the Fairytale Retreat.
Come and hang out with me on Facebook! I’d love to talk all things artistry and magic with you.
© 2021 Kristina Ambrosia. All Rights Reserved.