Once upon a time, creativity was a way of life -
but big cities and small thoughts got in the way. 

Now it’s time to recreate your own happily ever after.

Ready to use creativity, spirituality, and positive psychology to create new life paths and connections with self and others? 

Join the Fairytale Retreat

A three-day experience for
people who are ready to put the magic
back into everyday life.

If you’re a *closet creative*...

You’re already well aware of all the things that can get in the way of unleashing your big, colorful ideas into the world. 

Unanswered emails, stacks of bills, screaming kids…

Sound familiar?  

You also know just how unfulfilling it can be to feel your inner Muse shutting down beneath the many demands of everyday life.

Here’s what you might not know:

The world you long to live in -
your “happily ever after” - isn’t
as far away as it seems. 

If your soul is seeking a true liberation, all you have to do is take the first step into the passageway to new perceptions. 

The problem is, even if you’re a naturalist at heart, well-versed in holistic health, and a champion of self-expression, committing to the journey can still prove hard. However, with the right guidance you will make it, and we're here to help.

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Teachers who can open your mind to the magic of possibility
No one gets the power of mental, physical,  spiritual, and creative self-care quite like someone who makes a living out of it!  Teachers who live what they teach are like fairy godpeople guiding you towards the happy ending you deserve.

Opportunities to connect with other seeking souls
There’s a lot to be said for the power of connection, and once you find a tribe of people who value exploration (both internal and external) as much as you do, you’ll no longer feel apprehensive about baring your soul (and all of your best ideas).

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Downtime to process and recharge
Living in a perpetual state of “busy, busy, busy” doesn’t do your creativity muscles any good. Once you give your right brain a little rest, you’ll be amazed at the ideas that surface for you.

Even though reconnecting with your inner hero/heroine is a no-brainer, finding your way past the thought barriers and learned ways of life that hold you back is anything but.

That’s where your magical helpers come in handy.

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Hi! We’re Kristina and Ashley.

We’re creativity midwives, educators, and spirituality fanatics with loads of experience connecting the dots across a variety of industries and disciplines  - and now we’re here to help your soul cross the threshold into a strange, wonderful new realm. 

But first, let’s get one thing straight: 

Our clients aren’t “non-creatives” (thinking anyone is a non-creative is simply make-believe) - the reality, in fact, is quite the opposite. They’re just not sure how to break through the many barriers that hold them back - perfectionism, self-doubt, and lack of support to name few.

In fact, there’s one question they ask us more than any other:

Here’s why so many people struggle with unleashing their personal power: 

Even if you have the most creative brain on the planet, the kindest heart, the best intentions - there’s a good chance that you’ll come up against one of a few oh-so-common barriers on your journey. If you’re a chronically time-poor perfectionist who hangs out with people who just don’t *get* you, it’s really no wonder your fairytale isn’t turning out quite the way you would like. 

Here’s why that can be a huge problem: 

The world needs You. It needs your innovation, your fresh ideas (yep - even the ones that seem like nonsense!), and your bold, unapologetic individuality - and you need to have some faithful sidekicks to help you complete your quest.

So... what can we do about it?

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Can I tell you a secret?

We've got a potion that can help you with your problem! Claiming your purpose and passion is the closest thing we have to real magic - and if you’re ready to experience the fairytale for real, now is your time!

Welcome to OUR...

Fairytale Retreat

A magical exploration of the creative soul
that lives within you.

We’ve taken everything we’ve learned from working and consulting with best-selling authors, artists, educators, and publications, and funnelled it into this retreat experience. 

While on this journey, you’ll learn what it means to feel into your true creative expression and gain the skills to return to this place within you over and over again. 

The passageway to new perceptions begins with physical embodiment, astrology, creative thinking, shadow work, talisman making, meditation, and more. 


A magical change of heart, and the chance to begin a new journey into a truly creative life with all of your soul.

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Testi - Melissa

Kristina, you are one magical maven!  You are a rare and precious being! You are a supernova of bright energy and inspiration. Thank you and keep up the good work, the great work, your calling and craft!  You are the usher and seamstress of this fabric in the great sisterhood of moon goddesses and wild women everywhere!

Melissa H.
Testi - Michelle

"...Ashley is a creative, dynamic teacher that fosters an environment of independence and collaboration...She is one who challenges and entertains at the same time..."

Michelle F.
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So, what can you expect
from the retreat?

This three day experience includes 10 - 15 activity sessions, so expect everything from fairytale astrology and inner shadow work to powerful creative thinking exercises and techniques - think nonsense, notables, and new perspectives. 

Here's what we'll be doing...

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We will embark on the hero's journey departing from the ordinary world to begin our adventure into the void. We will meet our sidekicks/guides and traveling companions and face what has been holding us back for so long.

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Now that we have crossed the threshold, today's sessions will have your rewriting your fairy tale, but first we have to slay a few more doubt dragons and get to know the enemy within. We will also train our bodies for battle - get ready to move (spell-binding playlist included).

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On our final day together we will celebrate our happily ever after and bundle our experience and learning into gifts to return home with as reminders of the power we have as the authors of our own lives.

And here’s why we’ll be doing it…

This retreat is about exploring what the world could be like if we each felt innately connected to who we really are and free to express it, knowing that every part of each of us has value. By the end of this retreat, you will have a new awareness of endless opportunities for exploration, and and you will have accessed and perfected the magical power of sharing your radical new ideas with the world. Best of all, you will have found a group of likeminded fairy godpeople to support you as you realize your creative potential.

About the location

The full Fairytale Retreat package includes two nights of accommodations at The Inn on the Mexican War Streets, Pittsburgh, with all meals included. All room bookings also include access to television, phone, WiFi, and common areas, a complimentary movie library, air conditioning, and more. This private, palatial estate is the perfect place to process and recharge.

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About the Facilitators

Hey! I’m Kristina - with a K.

Writer. Creativity midwife. Connector of dots.

Think of me as a docent helping you find your way back to your natural creative state: I have a knack for introducing new people into a scene, and a talent for integrating ideas and actions to deepen relationships with self, others, and the world at large. Basically, I AM your rose-colored glasses.

I spent almost two decades of my career in higher education as a teacher, consultant, and chair of creative events. I’ve learned from the best – from people like New York Times Best Selling Author Clarissa Pinkola Estes, National Best Selling Author Jennifer Pastiloff, Senior Director of NPR Music Lauren Onkey, and former President of Cuyahoga Community College’s Eastern Campus Dr. J. Michael Thomson. I’ve also been published in a wide range of publications, including Elephant Journal, Rebelle Society, Parents Magazine, and Amazon.

When I’m not busy writing, or hanging with my little, you’ll catch me exploring small town coffee shops, visiting international hot spots, and immersing myself in mystery, magic, and merry-making.

Hey! I’m Ashley.

Social emotional well-being is super important to me. It is something I encourage in my classroom, and in my personal life. I've also been known to host a good time and excel at event  planning. I've coordianted everything from children's movie veiwing parties to adult only circus themed soirees.

As an Aquarius, while I generally don't care what other people think - I do care deeply about other people - fighting for the underdog, freedom, and fringe-thinking are kind of my thing. One of my gifts is the ability to see things through an objective lens from multiple perspectives and bring insight to situations others can't see. Think of me as the handle to your magic mirror. I will help you discover all the things that make you truly, wonderfully you and with gentle empathy I will also accompany you as your face those dark sad parts of yourself and use them to help you craft a stronger self.

I've been in education for over 15 years with much of my practice and research centering around social emotional well-being, creative play, and language. I've been a coach, trainer, wellness facilitator, group leader, and speaker in schools, churches, and community programs since 2002. In 2013, I received the Ida S. Baker award for work with minority populations and celebration of diversity. In 2016, I developed and began a girls' youth program that was about discovering self-worth and learning ways to self-care as early as age 6.

When I'm not "working" you can find me spending time with friends and family and dabbling in a little bit of everything: giving standing ovations at Playhouse Square, dancing the night way at EDM concerts, counting stars and climbing mountains, hosting over the the top theme parties, jogging along to an audiobook, renovating my home sweet home, and playing mermaid in any size body of water.

Ready to discover
the magic that lives within you?

Join the next 3-day Fairytale Retreat
from July 8 - July 10, 2022. 

Tuition + accommodation

Single payment of

$863 USD

Click the button below to arrive at a secure payment portal and start the next phase of your magical adventure.

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You do!  Please call the Inn directly at 412.231.6544 to reserve  your room. Some rooms have multiple bed options so find a friend and book early. The space is amazing and staying onsite is an important part of creating a safe space for sharing during the weekend.

Anything is possible :). Please contact me via the contact form to see what we can do.

The best way to know what's coming up is to subscribe to the site and/or follow my on my social channels.

Of course! Creating is always more fun with a friend. Just make sure to book a room with two beds so that you can stay together - and be quick! We have limited space available. You can check out the available rooms here.

Unfortunately, this retreat is currently only available to people who live in (or are able to travel to) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - but my collection of online offerings is available to people all over the world! Click here to check them out.

Unfortunately, because of the nature of the retreat and how vulnerable the sharing can be we ask that you commit to being there all weekend. It really breaks the energetic flow when people are in and out.

If you could wave your wand over your life and create anything you wanted, what would it look like?

Let's Find Out!

Retreat Mockup

Click below to secure your spot inside the Fairytale Retreat now.

© 2021 Kristina Ambrosia. All Rights Reserved.