Rejection Points Please

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I was trying to keep my promise to myself to get more organized, and so I attempted (yet again) to clean out my email inbox when I stumbled across a newsletter from Alexandra Jamieson titled Love, Art, Failure and Ireland. Given that as of late, I feel as if I’m failing at everything I clicked on the link to open.

I’m glad I did. It led me to learn about her 50 Failures Project. I’ve never been so excited to be on the Losing Side of Life.

50 Failures Project

A few years ago Jamieson made it her goal to get rejected by 50 art galleries. She said, “I figured if I set out to get rejected a lot, which was sure to happen more often than not, I wouldn’t lose heart every time I got a ‘thank you, but’ rejection email.”

Jamieson sounds like she shares my sometimes self-sabotaging need for validation points and prizes. Check out my own funny take on this: How Many Tickets is That?

What a prefect reframe of failure! To reward yourself for it, and thus by design continue to put your most vulnerable self out there – rejection after rejection. Because you can’t, afterall, get rejected if you don’t try. Genius backdoor trickery!

To read more of her story visit

What Will You Fail At?

I’ve decided, like Jamieson, I will keep an excel sheet of all the places where I expect to come up short . But in true Kristina fashion, I don’t plan on limiting myself to any one category and for simple math purposes I’m going to go with 55 instead of 50 (5 is my fav number so yay) – so each month Feb-Dec I am going to pick 5 things to fail at. Below is my February list. Feel free to play along!

Action ItemDate DoneResult
Passport to Peru – Retail Decks (email AND call)2/28/23Pending
Publication/Contest Winner2/19/23Pending
Secure a dream job (Solo Female Traveler)2/13/23Pending
Microadjustements to Map Your Life – Signup Success 2/19/23Pending
Spirit Apothecary – Retail Decks (email AND call)2/11/23Pending
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Hey! I’m Kristina - with a K.


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