
Here you'll find resources to help you create magic (among other things)...

flowers (1)


I thought I was here to relax, but like everything else, it turns out I’m here to learn. That I’m ...
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I hate when we fight 🙁

I’m Sorry You know what sucks? Fighting with your child. You know what sucks more? Sending your child off to ...
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Hold the Parental Judgement

Soooo....Liv was with Joe this Easter which meant I didn’t have to worry about a morning basket, which somehow turned ...
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Third Place

Have you ever heard the term third place? Arabica Coffee House is one of mine 😉 The term was coined ...
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Bees, Alligators, and Art

The past few weeks I've been plagued by nightmares which have left me sleep-deprived and grumpy. Having done some dream ...
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“I am grateful for soda fizzle”

Grateful For the big things of course – family, friends, forgiveness but also for the freckle under her left eye, ...
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February 07th, 2021

Ummmm…Noooooope - not on here. No Alistar in sight 🙁 Wait! Where is he? Definitely missed him.  After yet another ...
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Creation Also Looks Like This

I know that this is not often the type of photograph you see on my social media feeds. I mean ...
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See yourself through tourist’s eyes

"Something has changed…your aura of just pure happiness…” “You are so zen.” “That’s why you come off different to me. ...
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"You showed up. You opened up your heart. You chose vulnerability. You took a risk. You were brave. Regardless of how it turns out, you won."

- Caleb Campbell