February 07th, 2021

Ummmm…Noooooope – not on here. No Alistar in sight 🙁
But, if, and when I decide to reenter the mind fuck that is online dating I want to go in better prepared.
Yeah, I know I’ve said it before and I even started constructing a rubric. Now it is time to ask for help in finishing it since I refuse to put myself through any more first hand research (aka torture) at the moment.
The below rubric started as a result of one too many SMH moments and group thread convos where I shared with girlfriends the unbelievable stuff I was seeing and not believing on current dating apps!
And before I go offending a million people in a million different ways, I should clarify that this rubric is specific to me at this point in my life. If you are someone who doesn’t share my tastes (and 5 yrs ago this thing would have looked completely different – even for me) perhaps try flipping the numbers so that my “no way in hell, absolutely not” becomes your “let’s go to city hall and make this shit official.”
Here’s what I’ve come up with so far….please let me know where I can be more specific, broaden my scope, or flesh things out some more.
– Men look entirely different depending on what their current head/facial hair situation is (I honestly will do a side by side of pics and be like that is no way the same individual). Is makeup the equivalent for girls?
– Be wary of only closed lipped smiles and when all pics include sunglasses.
So now that I probably look like a super picky, unstable, superficial person myself who spends weekend nights making rubrics I will never use, it is probably a good thing I’m on this dating hiatus 🙂

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Hey! I’m Kristina - with a K.

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