Hold the Parental Judgement

Soooo….Liv was with Joe this Easter which meant I didn’t have to worry about a morning basket, which somehow turned into me not doing one at all (you can hold the parental judgement as I judge myself far more harshly than you could judge me).

When I asked Liv if the bunny came to dad’s she said yeah, but then mumbled something about missing the jelly bean trail under her breath. Since the time she was a baby I have carried on the tradition my parents did with us of jelly bean trails to our baskets.

Cue the mom guilt and a frantic run out for jelly beans tonight.

I started with Target thinking I could also get her a lunchable for tomorrow’s state tasting where she will be entering a school building for the first time in over a year. I didn’t think her eating ice cream out of a carton for lunch as may have happened a time or two here would fly (of course her lunch breaks coincide directly with a weekly work meeting of mine so sometimes she’s left to fend for herself, and her fending comes in the form of Pierre’s Vanilla Bean or Neapolitan).

Again, hold the judgement.

Target ended with a $153.17 receipt and no fucking jellybeans.

After stopping at two more stores that were completely sold out of any type of beans (although I did manage to get us matching swimsuits which I am sure Olivia will be horrified about) I thought of trying the gas station. Surely, I thought, “normal” parents don’t do their Easter Bunny shopping at Sunoco.

Ummmm apparently some of them do.

Fresh out of jellybeans.

I did end of finally finding jelly beans at my fourth store- way to pull through Dollar Tree – and I did in fact make a trail to her baskets. Three and a half minutes before she arrived home, but done nonetheless.

I met her and her dad at the door with my ears on and a bowl for collecting. I made her put on matching ears before the great gathering though 😉
 I sure am glad the mom guilt got the better of me this time 🙂 Her giggles confirmed that this time guilt was my own happy trail.
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Hey! I’m Kristina - with a K.


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