“I am grateful for soda fizzle”



For the big things of course – family, friends, forgiveness
but also for the freckle under her left eye,
the smell of radiator heat, and sawdust
a perfectly frothed egg, or wave, or coffee.
How raindrops pearl a web.
An early morning church bell.
Sherpa lined sweatpants.
His smile from across the street.

One night back in November I had planned a gratitude event.
Nobody showed.

I take that back.
She showed.
See that beautiful 10 year old  above.
She showed up in spades.

We decided to carry on with what I had planned. Just the two of us.

I blessed our energetic space with sweetgrass honoring each directional element in its turn.

I shared my writing with her.
And she shared with me.

The experience was one I won’t soon forget.

We made gratitude jars, cutting a strip of paper for each day in the month, writing something we are grateful for on the strip, and crumbling it up and placing it in the jar for later picking.

Here were some of the things I wrote (spoiler alert: hers were WAY more profound).
– I am grateful for neon, second chances, red lipstick, love letters,  the color blue

And hers….
– I am grateful for strings that can be played
– I am grateful that nothing is perfect because than you always belong
– I am grateful for tears because they mean that I can feel and they allow me to know the difference between when I’m ok and when I’m not
– I am grateful for fiction as it proves anything is possible
– I am grateful for soda fizzle

I was blown away by her answers.
Apparently, she kind of was too lol as when we were done  sharing she said, “I like how I’m so intense and so deep and you’re like I’m thankful for vanilla ice cream.”

Haha. I’ll be adding her sense of humor and sarcasm to my gratitude list 😉

I’m pretty sure she agreed to participate out of pity, but as we finished she snuggled up into me smiling and asked,

“Can we write these more often it makes me excited?”

Yes, I had all the showing up I needed.

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  1. Joanne on February 25, 2021 at 6:20 am

    Fabulous. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

    • Kristina on March 15, 2021 at 6:44 am

      Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. So annoying that you have fill this all out to make a comment One day, I’ll splurge for a user-friendly website lol.

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Kristina Ambrosia (1)

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Hey! I’m Kristina - with a K.


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