Number 4

Buying them that language class, or those horse back riding lessons, or footing the bill for that iphone photography course just might be the nudge they need to take that next step. It must just provide the permission they’ve denied themselves to go the hell ahead and do what makes their soul sing (or dance!) It also shows that you are listening when they talk 😉 Yet another benefit to this type of gift is they probably aren’t receiving duplicates. Moreover, the memories will likely last far longer than a product 😉
Here are some class ideas to get you thinking:
- Comedy Improv Class – Starting in Jan 2021 there is a four week series that meets on Saturdays from 12-4 culminating in a final performance showcase at the Cleveland Improv (an added bonus is a night out for you to go watch them perform).
- Financial Peace Academy – A friend and his wife bought me this class after my divorce and right after I purchased my current house. It’s Dave Ramsey’s 7 step process to achieving financial freedom. I’m on step 3 and am currently living debt free with the exception of my mortgage. The videos are entertaining, the advice easy to digest! You can attend meetings with others in the program either in person or online.
- Sailing Classes: We live on a lake. Might as well take advantage of it. Who else do you know who loves summer, sun, and spending their days on the water?
- Burlesque Dancing: I’d much prefer learning to sail (or really anything other than something that involves me dancing), but I know many women who swear these classes are so much fun!
- Creative Living: How about something like a master class? A quick google search will provide plenty of options in a variety of subjects. But here are two in particular I recommend. One I attended, and one I just recently created. Jen Jones Donatelli teaches CLE-ative Goove: A 12-Week Artist’s Way Journey. In her words, the workshop is “geared at helping participants make creative breakthroughs and define what living creatively means to them. As an added bonus you get 10% off when you use the code AMBROSIA to register. I attended Jen’s Remix Your Life Workshop two summers ago and it stirred my soul, moving me from excuses to action. Jen crafted for us a day of connection and creativity that reminded me that we all possess unique gifts that the world is counting on us to share. In that spirit, I also created a course called “How to Live (and Write) Creativity.” It is a self-paced 5 module course with each module offering creative inspiration, a mini-lesson, and the opportunity to apply and workshop with the material presented. Click under my ‘Shop’ channel to sign up!

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Hey! I’m Kristina - with a K.

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