Number 5

Not currently single, but boy do I wish someone would have bought me this subscription box when I was. Their headlines alone are enough to convince me that I would have loved this sassy snarky surprise collection. Cue Beyonce someone! All the single ladies…

Gallery Pic 1: Stitch Fix – I was so close tonight…so close…I usually love their ads that pop up on my feeds, I despise shopping, and every time I compliment my neighbor Jen on her outfits her response is usually Stitch Fix. I would probably be their perfect customer! Too bad I can also be cheap and had $5000 in unanticipated expenses this week. I also don’t like having a lot of ‘stuff’ which made me pause before handing over my payment info.
However, once I can build my savings back up to pre-November status I plan on signing up for the every 3 month box (this quarterly box as opposed to the monthly one will allow me to finally put my FOMO to rest while still retaining my self-proclaimed minimalist closet status…I’m also so curious what my ‘personal designer’ will choose for me).
Gallery Pic 2: Quirky Crate – Ashley!!!! What does this remind you of!?!?! Someone took our idea and apparently found a way to make it profitable! My sister and I had a grand idea to create fun ‘decade’ themed baskets seven or so years ago after a few bottles of wine. I pictured a 90’s themed basket as the perfect gift for an adult sleepover for eighties babies who would fondly reminisce their heydey while playing Girl Talk and listening to mixed tapes in their NKOTB nightgowns. The trouble was that when we went to create these baskets we realized Girl Talk was selling for $75 on Ebay. This quickly killed our dream (but not our buzz lol). I’m glad to see someone picked up where we left off.
Gallery Pic 3: Vinyl Moon – How cool is this! This company takes ten tracks from up and coming artists and puts them to vinyl complete with custom designed jacket covers. I’m uber impressed.

Gallery Pic 1: Nomadik is a travel themed subscription box. Products include things like hammocks, headlamps, solar lights, sand free towels, waterproof speakers, hydrapaks, and more. I also really love the ‘more girly’ Vacation Crate that includes fair trade artisan goods like jewelry and art.
Gallery Pic 2: Amazon Book Boxes (pic from My mom got this for my 11 year old two years ago and she loves tearing open the box every month to see what two books she received. Amazon sends a parent preview of the two books and allows you to swap options so you don’t have to worry about getting a book already on your shelves. Prior to graduating to young adult readers my daughter received the Highlights magazine subscription for a gift (equally as great).
Gallery Pic 3: Wordy Traveler – this combines my first two loves from Pic 1 and 2 (travel and reading). It is a quarterly book club that includes 3 books, ethically sourced tea from the highlighted region, and an art print. I’m not clear if the books all center on one ‘area’ or if they are ‘travel themed’ in general, but I really don’t care (I’m all about this whatever the case, given that a portion of the proceeds helps support global education for girls and women.)
I was amazed at the breath of subscription boxes I was finding once I started looking. I love that there are ones that focused on ‘doing good,’ and ‘puzzles,’ and ‘spices’ – a quick google search on your interest paired with subscription box should offer plenty of options!
I’ll end with this one given my love of travel and because now, more than ever, it is of paramount importance that we raise kids who are tolerant of languages, and customs, and lifestyles that might look different than theirs.
Little Passports appeals to adventurers aged 3-12. It teaches about geography, culturally relevant holidays and celebrations, and includes hands-on activities such as molding sea turtles from Costa Rica.
I hope you find your perfect ‘personalized’ box out there!

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Hey! I’m Kristina - with a K.

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