Number 8

I hope this post clears up what Soulscape is, how it came to be, and why it is a great holiday gift to buy and receive.
The Backstory
This deck was a natural birth. A map sewn out of sisterhood and sobriety and a slaphappy moment of inspiration where Janie Walland and I asked, “Why the hell can’t we do this?”
Not long ago, I was hosting a yoga/vision board workshop called “Downdogs and Daydreams“ at Chris Keller’s space (check out all the women’s/girls circles she offers here. She is a master of ceremonies and just an amazing human being!) It was there where I originally met Janie, who was a participant. We got to chatting about dreams, big and small; our children; her career and calling as an illustrator; my affection for words; and on and on. By evening’s end we had exchanged numbers to continue the conversation. Simultaneously, I started thinking about all the oracle decks I’ve purchased over the years.
Then came “The Aha Moment.”
“Wait a minute! I can write! I just met a woman who illustrates, and we both believe that each of us co-create our lives! Then I remembered an anonymous quote I posted on my Instagram feed months ago…
It read:
“There are people less qualified than you, doing the things you want to do, simply because they decide to believe in themselves. Period.”
I began to believe in myself. At least, in that moment I did…and all I needed was that moment. I, like most people, have moments of confidence and inspiration, seeing myself in all of my divinity. I also have moments where I feel totally inept at life. Like a complete unlovable loser.
I’ve learned to sustain those moments of worthiness by grabbing the hand of someone who I know will support me and asking if they’d like to go with me?
It is harder to give up when someone is holding your hand and you are holding theirs.
On a whim, I texted Janie.
“I believe in myself. Want to hear an idea?”
I am so grateful that she believed in me. That she believed in herself. That she said, “Yes, I’ll go with you.”
And now here we are.
And Here It Is!
What is it?: This is, essentially, a 32 card poem deck. This Soulscape Deck was inspired by my extensive travels, both around the globe and internally within. Each card has an affirmation paired with an illustration. There are enough cards to choose one a day for a month, plus a bonus card (because, duh, we like to go big). Also, in numerology the number 32 is associated with adventure, creativity, freedom, and teamwork. We liked that!
How to use it: You can pick a card a day and place it randomly back in the deck. Maybe you pick the same one tomorrow. Maybe you don’t. You can pick a card a day and place it in the back of the deck and move through the cards like a flip calendar for the month.
Why buy it:? The cards are something tactile that you can hold in your hand as a reminder that you too are worthy, that there is no wrong direction, that you will get to wherever you are meant to go.
Use them for yoga class mantras, for quiet meditation, as writing prompts. Drop them in the mail to a friend, hang them on your mirror, hide them under your pillow. The price point ($20 for local pickup near Mentor, OH or $28 for mailing) makes them a great gift for teachers, coaches, neighbors.
For that price you are essentially receiving 32 original works of art and 32 original pieces of writing. And how fun, if you know us, to have something on your shelf, or table, or nightstand that was created by people whose stories you share, whose hearts you know.
There are absolutely no set “rules” on how, when, or why one might use the deck.
We’ve loved taking this trip together and now invite you to join the journey.
Will you come with us?
Click here to order (please use the friends/family option on Paypal or you can Venmo me at Kristina-Ambrosia-Conn). The decks are scheduled to arrive next week from the printer and so will be here in time for the holidays! Yay!
Oh, and if you see this today please reach out and wish Janie a very happy bday!

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Hey! I’m Kristina - with a K.

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