Number 9

My sister shares my sentiments in this matter, and so often we ‘gift’ one another time spent together doing things we’ve either never done or have done and loved. In the past these gifts have included firewalking, sensory deprivation tanks, psychic readings, and enjoying singer/songwriter night at the famed Bluebird Café. In fact, one of our favorite things in the world is the Playhouse Square subscription package we share. It assures us at least one date night a month together enjoying good food and live theater. And now, more than ever, our theaters can use your support.
Check out the following message from Gina Vernaci, President and Chief Operating Officer of Playhouse Square. Can you think of anyone who might enjoy a gift that will also, quite literally, help this amazing organization and the second biggest theater district in the US outside of NYC to keep their lights shining bright.

Theater not your jam? No worries. Check out Cloud 9 Living that allows you to buy ‘experiences’ all over the United States including personal chef prepared dinner parties, custom perfume design, and cage diving with sharks.
You can buy now and book later. Even better, there are no expiration dates, and free returns and exchanges (see website for details). You can search by experience type, location, recipient, and occasion. And I love that if you don’t know what kind of experience the person you are buying for wants, you can simply buy them a specified gift certificate amount to put towards whatever adventure calls to them.
Yes, please!

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Hey! I’m Kristina - with a K.

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