Courting Creativity – Short First Dates


It drives me bananas when people say, “I’m just not creative,” because that is untrue.

Sure, your relationship with creativity might need a reboot, but like Monday morning emails, it is always there waiting to enter into conversation with you.

And, trust me, the dialogue is one worth having because being in communication with our creativity leads to better emotional health, helps synthesize ideas across disciplines, creates more commercial success, and marries our masculine and feminine energies.

Come court creativity on the following dates at 7 pm ET. These sessions are short (20-30 minutes) in case you aren’t feeling the chemistry, but I’m hopeful you’ll want to amp up the relationship after having attended.

Zoom info will be sent prior to the first date.

Session Descriptions 

Jan 1, Date 1 – Origin Stories: You gotta start somewhere! So start where you are and acknowledge you were born creative! In today’s session, we pay homage to our origin stories and see how we already have all the source material we need to craft a creative something! You’ll leave today’s session with a four-stanza poem (no creative writing proficiency required to participate – I pinky-promise!)

Jan 2, Date 2 – Wrong Turn/Right Turn: Now it is time to explore! It’s okay to not know the way/get lost/ make a wrong turn. View these detours as just more interesting creative content to work with! Many of my detours came in the form of ‘failed’ romantic relationships! In this session, you will hone in on a particular event/time/relationship in your life and craft a soundtrack around it! I can’t wait to hear your playlist.

Jan 3, Date 3 – Wonderland It: Now that we’ve explored where we began and had some fun ideating around significant events and relationships in our lives, it is time to turn our attention to ideas in an exercise called, “Wonderland it.” In today’s session, we will try on ideas in different sizes to discover the best fit. You will leave today’s session with a grow/shrink list on a goal of your choosing.

Jan 4, Date 4 – Live Your Goal: In this last session, we will work through how to live our goals, not just achieve them (there is most definitely a difference). How do we not only build, but also sustain a life we love? And, what does it really mean to revise how we show up in the world? Come join us to find out. Walk away with a practical tip guide you can refer to again and again.





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